Cap and gown on, waiting in line for convocation. Nervous, sweating a little, I open the folder to look at the parchment. There it is, in permanent ink below my full name: Doctor of Medicine. The same thought washed over me as it did on the first day of medical school. There must have been some sort of mistake. How on earth did this happen? This is my attempt to recognize humanity in all its grittiness, both my own and that of the people I interact with.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Money Can Buy Bliss
Knock off pink Speedo swim goggles: 8,000 Shillings
Matatu fare: 200 Shillings
Bodaboda (motorcycle) ride: 2500 Shillings
Munyonyo resort admission: 20,000 Shillings
Swimming in an Olympic-size pool surrounded by palm trees: Priceless
Hey now! Even you go to Miraflores sometimes to eat at Palachinkis!
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